Caernarfon Lân

Diogelu ein iechyd ac amgylchedd | Protecting our health and environment

Caernarfon Lân

Picture from an open meeting for Caernarfon residents who wanted to hear about the proposed developments

We are a group of Caernarfon residents and concerned supporters who wish to protect the community and its environment from the harmful impacts of two developments planned by Jones Brothers’ Ltd in and around the former Seiont brickworks site, Caernarfon.

Jones Brothers (Civil Engineering) Co Ltd and their subsidiary, Seiont Ltd are applying for permission to install a ten engine, 20MW gas-fired electricity generating ‘peaking plant’ and a concrete crushing plant with associated road changes for continuous use by an estimated 120 HGV lorries a day. These two very harmful operations are planned to be next to each other on the Seiont Quarry site, which is surrounded by nearby residential properties, housing estates, a hospital and recreation facilities on one side, and the River Seiont and ancient natural woodland on the other.

The full application details can be found here:

DNS CAS-02628-Y1D2Z7 - Seiont Quarry Gas Peaking Plant Planning Casework (gov.wales) -opt to view only the ‘Main Party Party - Submission Document', to avoid seeing the pre-submission documents also left on the site.

Concrete Crushing Plant: https://amg.gwynedd.llyw.cymru/planning/index.html?fa=getApplication&id=35303&language=en - you will need to log in to comment or search application reference number C24/0297/19/LL.

To understand our objections, please read more or click here to download a bilingual summary. 

We have started a petition - please click here to read more and to sign. 

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