Caernarfon Lân

Diogelu ein iechyd ac amgylchedd | Protecting our health and environment

Public consultation on ‘peaking plant’ closed; concrete crushing proposal now open for consultation – please comment!

The public consultation on the ten engine gas-fired ‘peaking plant’, the first of Jones Brothers two final applications, has now been closed by Welsh Government; we want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who commented!  

The second Jones Brothers' (Seiont Ltd's) application, on their concrete crushing and processing proposals, is now open for consultation on the Gwynedd Council planning site and your comments can be posted there before the 18th of July 2024.

Below is some guidance to make it easy for you.

You don’t have to write a lot - a few lines in your own words would be sufficient, if enough people submit them.  Of course if you feel like writing a lot more that would be really good too!
Our Draft Caernarfon Lân Objection Document to the concrete crushing and processing application can be viewed here: Download (PDF)

And our objections to the first application on the gas-fired plant are here (Download PDF).
These two installations, next to each other on the same site will obviously increase the risks from pollutants, many of which are the same; so our two objections documents will need to be read together by both PEDW and Gwynedd Council.  

While your Committee will be updating the second objection document based on the latest information, we hope that the contents of these two will help you to write your comments. We do ask that you please don't copy and paste directly from the document but try to put it into your own words.

The two documents are very technical in places, so not everyone may have the appetite to read through them in detail;  but even a quick skim will help you home in on the things that concern you most. 

If, however, you don't have time to look at the documents, here is a quick summary of the key arguments against the gas-fired peaking plant application:

  • Building a concrete crushing and processing plant would pose significant risks to human health and well-being, and to the natural environment. The site is surrounded by nearby residential properties, housing estates, the Eryri hospital, Caernarfon Rugby club, Parc Y Dre, the River Seiont and an area of ancient natural woodland. 
  • Air pollution: The concrete processing operations and associated 120 HGVs per day on and off the the site will pose significant air pollution risks, including from dust and particulates, which can lead to increases in respiratory diseases and asthma; eye, nose and throat irritation; heart conditions; and lung damage. People living close by, patients and staff in Ysbyty Eryri, and children and adults using the sports facilities at Caernarfon Rugby Club would be breathing in these toxins.
  • Noise pollution: The operations on site and the heavy traffic will lead to significant on-going noise pollution.  Chronic noise disturbance is known to harm the health of people and wildlife.
  • Damage to ecosystems, wildlife and biodiversity: The area of designated ancient woodland, ‘Parc Y Dre’ and the River Seiont are home to healthy populations of wildlife including otters, owls, squirrels, bats, hedgehogs and foxes, as well as flourishing bird and insect populations. These, and the wider plant and animal biodiversity that they depend on would be seriously affected by the proposed developments.

Here is everything you need to submit your own objection on the concrete processing proposals to Gwynedd Council:

You have until 18/7/24 to put in your comments

This link should take you to the application on the Gwynedd Council site: https://amg.gwynedd.llyw.cymru/planning/index.html?fa=getApplication&id=35303&language=en

·    When you click the link above, you’ll have to prove, possibly several times, that you’re not a robot!;

·    Then, when the application details pop up on your screen, you can choose your preferred language by clicking on the small green box at the top, right-hand corner.

.     you will then see all of the Jones Brothers Application Papers. There are many documents here that make for very dense reading; you may wish to just have a glance through them using our objection document as a guide. 

·    To submit your comment on the Application, you can click on a link found at both the top and the bottom of the long list of documents.  You will need to log in if you are already registered on the Gwynedd website, or register first if you are not. If you register/log in and then lose the page, just copy and paste the website address above into the same window and it should refresh, with you logged in this time.

·    If you are not able to register, please email your objection with the reference C24/0297/19/LL  to the Gwynedd Planning Department: cynllunio@gwynedd.llyw.cymru ;  but please only do this if you are unable to register on their site, as we are unsure about the acceptability of direct emails.

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