Caernarfon Lân

Diogelu ein iechyd ac amgylchedd | Protecting our health and environment

The Proposals

Since August 2023, the local community has been gathering and sharing information and concerns about these two threatened developments on the old quarry site adjoining Seiont Mill Road, both proposed by Jones Brothers (Civil Engineering) Co Ltd and their subsidiary, Seiont Ltd. 

 Gas-fired ‘peaking plant’
This ten-engine, 20MW gas-fired 'peaking plant' is  to generate electricity for the national grid at times of high demand and/or times of low output from renewables. In reality this means that, at least during the autumn, winter and most of the spring, the station would be fired up several times a day. 
The Planning and Environment Decisions body in Wales, PEDW will examine this application and make recommendations on the final decision to a Welsh Government Minister. As part of PEDW’s examination, Cyngor Gwynedd will be asked to produce a “local impact” report and local councillors will also have the option to submit individual concerns to PEDW during that period.

Go to https://planningcasework.service.gov.wales/case and search for DNS CAS-02628-Y1D2Z7 opt to view only the ‘Main Party Party - Submission Document', to avoid seeing the pre-submission documents also left on the site.

A Concrete-crushing plant
This will include the transit of an estimated 120 HGV lorries driving past per day.  The concrete crushing operations are described as concrete ‘recycling’; but the process will consume large amounts of electricity from the grid (not that produced by the peaking plant) and large amounts of water to dampen down the very toxic dust that will be created. Many noisy and polluting lorries will deliver the waste concrete to the site and transport the end product away: poor quality, ‘downcycled’ rather than ‘recycled’ material.
Jones Brothers’ application to install a concrete crushing plant on the same site will only have to go to Cyngor Gwynedd planning committee for a final decision. We are imploring the council not to consider the decision separately from the gas-fired peaking plant proposal.
The Location

The proposed location is the former Seiont Brickworks site, near to Ysbyty Eryri, and the rugby fields and the ‘3G’ football pitch at Caernarfon Rugby Club. Click here to view the location on Google Maps

What are our objections?

There are significant risks to human health and well-being, and to the natural environment, from both of these developments, for example: air pollution, noise pollution, access and traffic, as well as damage to ecosystems and biodiversity, contribution to climate change and risks to future generations. To read our objections in more detail, please click here.
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